What an AMAZING study and Word from God

What an AMAZING study and Word from God

January 10, 20241 min read

What an AMAZING study and Word from God

This book is an AMAZING experience learning about the BEMA (judgment seat) of Christ.

I learned about God's judgment and how I will be evaluated by God on Judgement Day.

I also learned about rewards and the numerous rewards that The Lord wants to give us to finish our race strong.

I learned through Christina's teachings how to live more intentionally, to serve God and add to my rewards in Heaven.

I learned that I am worthy of these rewards and God's love as I run this race called life.

This is a marvelous book which will empower you to live for God.

Thank you Christina for listening to God and fulfilling His direction for your life which affects so many.

Cathy D Claterbaugh

I am lawyer called by the LORD to advocate for restoration in the Body of Christ. The Hebrew word for “restore” is shub and means to turn back, return, retrieve and reverse. I believe the LORD intends to restore you and me, His creation, back to Him in every aspect and dimension. However, before restoration can happen, barriers to restoration must be removed.

Christina L. McCracken, J.D.

I am lawyer called by the LORD to advocate for restoration in the Body of Christ. The Hebrew word for “restore” is shub and means to turn back, return, retrieve and reverse. I believe the LORD intends to restore you and me, His creation, back to Him in every aspect and dimension. However, before restoration can happen, barriers to restoration must be removed.

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