This is a spirit led must read! Great teaching!

This is a spirit led must read! Great teaching!

August 13, 20230 min read

This is a spirit led must read! Great teaching!

This book will make you examine how you are living your life and with what purpose you you living it.

Great teaching, great insight and really powerful! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!

Kindle Customer

I am lawyer called by the LORD to advocate for restoration in the Body of Christ. The Hebrew word for “restore” is shub and means to turn back, return, retrieve and reverse. I believe the LORD intends to restore you and me, His creation, back to Him in every aspect and dimension. However, before restoration can happen, barriers to restoration must be removed.

Christina L. McCracken, J.D.

I am lawyer called by the LORD to advocate for restoration in the Body of Christ. The Hebrew word for “restore” is shub and means to turn back, return, retrieve and reverse. I believe the LORD intends to restore you and me, His creation, back to Him in every aspect and dimension. However, before restoration can happen, barriers to restoration must be removed.

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